Update a var only after button click

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Update a var only after button click

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    Hi. I’m redoing an experiment. In this version, user has to click on buttons (ranging from number 0 to 9), which will store their answer, and then this answer will be evaluated.
    Ex: user clicks on ‘1″ and “5” and “9”, his answer is 159 (as a string)

    I guess I was able to adapt the remaining parts of the old code, but I cannot make it store a variable ONLY IF a button is clicked. I cannot put “wait” on all buttons because user may skip some. I tried to change the buttons to a selector but I couldn’t as well. The idea is: user will have to click on the buttons based on a sequence of number’s they’ll hear and then I’ll check if their answer is right.

    Experiment is here: https://farm.pcibex.net/r/DwkmNa/
    The post where Jeremy’s helped me with the logic is here: https://www.pcibex.net/forums/topic/get-the-previous-row-of-a-column/

    I tried MANY things so far. I tried to add a .success to test.clicked() but it didn’t work.

    Template("stimuliNew.csv", row =>
      newVar("lastLen",0).global()    // We'll set this to lenNumeric at the end of the experiment
      newVar("errorCount",0).global() // We'll update this after the key press
      // Create new variable 'answer'
      newButton("testA", "BUTTON 5!") // 5
      getVar("answer").set(v=>v+'5') // 5
      newButton("testB", "BUTTON 9!") // 9
      getVar("answer").set(v=>v+'9') // 9
      newButton("testc", "BUTTON 3!")  // 3
      getVar("answer").set(v=>v+'3')  // 3
      newButton("testd", "BUTTON 6!")  // 6
      getVar("answer").set(v=>v+'6') // 6
     newButton("testOK", "OK!")
    newText("printFirstKey", "")  /// just to see the variable
        .text( getVar("answer") ).print().center()
            newText("right","Correto! ✅").center().print()
            getVar("errorCount").set(0) // Correct: reset the value to 0
            getVar("answer").set(0) // Correct: reset the value to 0
                // Increment the value by 1, and check if it is equal to 2
                            newText("2 errors in a row for a sequence of the same length!").center().print()
                            jump("end") // The next trial will be the one labeled "end"
                        .failure( getVar("errorCount").set(1) /* set to 1 if previous length was different */ )

    This issue was reported as resolved in a private email exchange, through the use of the callback command


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