I have two templates: “stimuli” (n=37) and “fillers” (n=108).
Right now I use this sequence for them:
Sequence("welcome", shuffle(randomize("stimuli"), randomize("fillers")))
Can I make it so the first K
items are guaranteed to be from “fillers” template?
In pseudocode (if templates were arrays):
K = 4;
fillers = randomize(fillers);
stimuli= randomize(stimuli);
first_batch = fillers.slice(0, K);
fillers = fillers.slice(K, fillers.length);
Sequence("welcome", first_batch, shuffle(stimuli, fillers))
I know I can make a separate template for this first fillers batch, but I want the first batch to be taken randomly from all the fillers
This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by
This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by
kesha. Reason: appearence
This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by