Selecting multiple options

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Selecting multiple options

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  • #5680


    My issue is similar to the one here ( but I was unable to adapt the solution, and I was hoping you could help me.

    I have a template in which participants are asked to select any and all images that match a word. For this I use a selector element with the .log(“all”) option. However, only one image is highlighted at once for the participant. Is there a way to let the participant select (with the option to deselect) all that apply, and then confirm their choice with a button press once they are satisfied with what they have selected?

    I include the template below:

    Template(GetTable("myTable_testing").filter( row => (row.n_correct == "2c") & (row.pol == "pos")),
        row => newTrial("testing_2cor_pos",
        newText(["Click on any and all pictures corresponding to ", row.word.toUpperCase()].join(""))
        .css("font-size", "30px")
        newImage("target_1", row.picture)
        .settings.size(200, 200)
        newImage("target_2", row.p1)
        .settings.size(200, 200)
        newImage("d2", row.p2)
        .settings.size(200, 200)
        newImage("d3", row.p3)
        .settings.size(200, 200)
        newImage("d4", row.p4)
        .settings.size(200, 200)
        newImage("d5", row.p5)
        .settings.size(200, 200)
        newCanvas( 'myCanvas', 700, 500)
        .settings.add( 20, 40, getImage("target_1"), 0 )
        .settings.add( 20, 270, getImage("target_2"), 1 )
        .settings.add( 257, 40, getImage("d2"), 2 )
        .settings.add( 257, 270, getImage("d3"), 3 )
        .settings.add( 495, 40, getImage("d4"), 4 )
        .settings.add( 495, 270, getImage("d5"), 5 )
        .frame("solid 6px black")
        ).log("target_1", row.picture)
        .log("target_2", row.p1)
        .log("d2", row.p2)
        .log("d3", row.p3)
        .log("d4", row.p4)
        .log("d5", row.p5)

    Thank you!



    You will need to create one Selector per Image, as Selectors were designed to represent exclusive choices. You will also need to create a Var element to determine whether a click on the image should select or unselect it. Since you will have to do this for all of your images, it’s best to just define a function that you call on each of your images, like this:

    const newToggleImage = (name,file) => [
        newVar(name+"-var", 1),
            .frame("solid 6px black")
            .callback( getVar(name+"-var").set(v=>1-v)"-sel").unselect()) )
        newImage(name, file)
    Template( GetTable("myTable_testing").filter( row => (row.n_correct == "2c") & (row.pol == "pos")) ,
      row => newTrial("testing_2cor_pos",
        newText( "Click on any and all pictures corresponding to "+row.word.toUpperCase() )
            .css("font-size", "30px")
        newToggleImage("target_1", row.picture),
        newToggleImage("target_2", row.p1),
        newToggleImage("d2", row.p2),
        newToggleImage("d3", row.p3),
        newToggleImage("d4", row.p4),
        newToggleImage("d5", row.p5)
        newCanvas( 'myCanvas', 700, 500)
            .add( 20, 40, getImage("target_1"), 0 )
            .add( 20, 270, getImage("target_2"), 1 )
            .add( 257, 40, getImage("d2"), 2 )
            .add( 257, 270, getImage("d3"), 3 )
            .add( 495, 40, getImage("d4"), 4 )
            .add( 495, 270, getImage("d5"), 5 )
      .log("target_1", row.picture)
      .log("target_2", row.p1)
      .log("d2", row.p2)
      .log("d3", row.p3)
      .log("d4", row.p4)
      .log("d5", row.p5)

    Given that several people have expressed the need for a checkbox-like behavior, I will consider implementing this option in a future release of PennController


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