Hello Callie,
Sorry for the late reply, I was away from the office last week. What you can do is generate the random number at the beginning of the experiment, but present it only at the end. Here’s a dummy experiment for illustration purposes:
PennController.ResetPrefix(null) // Shorten command names (keep this line here)
uniqueID = [1,2,3,4].map(v=>Math.floor((1+Math.random())*0x10000).toString(16).substring(1)).join('-');
// void
.log( "ID" , uniqueID )
newTrial("intro", newButton("Hello").print().wait() )
newTrial("experiment", newButton("World").print().wait() )
newTrial("end", newText("your id: "+uniqueID).print(),newButton().wait() )
Let me know if you need assistance adapting this to your case