page not found error when downloading results

PennController for IBEX Forums Bug Report page not found error when downloading results

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  • #7837


    I created and recently published my first experiment on pcIbex.
    During the past weeks I was able to download the results file as part of my debugging/testing.
    I was also able to download the results file (and see latest submission preview) earlier today but in the past few hours I wasn’t able to download the results – it’s stuck on “downloading” and nothing happens, also no preview of latest submission.
    Trying to “run” the download url on a different tab results in a page not found (404 error), I guess this means the server is down?

    If it’s indeed down, does it means that results of participants during this time are lost or may be restored once the server gets up?

    demonstration link (if relevant) –



    Hi Idan,

    Does the problem persist? I was also unable to download results earlier today, but I’m now able to download them again. I can’t log into the farm’s server right now, but this can happen when the server gets clogged by other requests (typically multiple parallel downloads of large results files and/or submissions of many rows)



    I’m afraid the issue persists, tried just now again, and also yesterday a bunch of times.

    I sent the experiment to about a dozen participants yesterday before I discovered this problem – if they conducted the experiment during this clogged server time does it mean their results didn’t arrive to the server? This is an important bit because if so I can notify the ones which didn’t get to it just yet that they should wait until this issue is fixed.



    I had the same problem yesterday evening (Europe time) for a few hours and again this morning…
    Jeremy said that the submissions are save, so I can let you know that, which is a relief! I also need to know how many submissions I have got so far, and it doesn’t work for now, I guess we have to be patient.


    Indeed a relief, thanks for this update 🙂


    Updating that I was able to download the results file yesterday and also today, though yesterday I had many failed attempts.
    As long as the results are saved successfully and I’m able to download the results once a day, I’m good.

    Thanks for the help and quick responses.



    I am also unable to download the results. I tried yesterday, and it didn’t work, so I tried again today, but it still does not work. It takes forever to load.
    Is it because of issues with the network? When should I try downloading the results again?



    Apologies for the inconvenience and for the late reply. Our servers encountered some issues over the past few days due to higher-than-usual database transactions. The PCIbex Farm had to handle many parallel submissions from participants, besides requests to access large results files, resulting in some operations just freezing. I ended up needing to manually restart the servers periodically to prevent them from crashing down, which came with the side effect of dropping requests to access results. This is how some requests would never complete even when running for hours, sometimes overnight

    Traffic has now come back to its regular flow for now, and you should be able to access your results again. If you were collecting data during the past few days, you might find that submissions are missing from your results file. If that happens, please let me know and I’ll check whether I can recover them (although I unfortunately cannot guarantee that)



    I am very new here, but I haven’t been able to preview or download any results. So maybe this is happening agin? Is there somewhere to go to check whether the server up?

    Thank you.

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