Media Recorder Technical Details

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Media Recorder Technical Details

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  • #10730


    I am currently designing an experiment that requires the use of the media recorder element. Per the documentation, we are trying to setup a server where we will upload the data. We have the following questions:

    (1) When the experiment attempts to upload data to our server, from what URL or IP address or address range does it come from?
    (2) Is this address or address range constant – or can it change, depending on when the experiment runs or the type of experiment?

    Any help would be much appreciated.



    (1) The upload requests come directly from the participant’s browser, so it will come from their own IP addresses (the request will include an origin header indicating where the experiment is being run, ie if you run your experiment on our farm)

    (2) The address will only be constant as long as all the participants take the experiment using the same connection, which won’t be the case unless you control how you recruit them (for example by having them all come to a lab and use a computer there)


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