In my linguistic experiment page, I am trying to have a pre-practice section where after participants judge the acceptability for each pre-practice item they can see a short comment. For example, after they make an acceptability judgment for a pre-practice item sentence like “The stuntman smashed sixteen cars in five minutes.”, I would like them to see a comment like “This sentence is usually perceived as very natural. In such a case, you were expected to give the sentence a very high rating.” For now, I have the following code:
// Pre-practice
Template("pre-practice.csv", row =>
newTrial( "pre_practice" ,
newText("sentence", row.SENTENCE)
.cssContainer({"margin-top":"2em", "margin-bottom":"2em"})
.before( newText("left", "<div class='fancy'>(very unnatural)</div>") )
.after( newText("right", "<div class='fancy'>(very natural)</div>") )
// Wait briefly to display which option was selected
newTimer("wait", 300)
newText("comment", row.COMMENT)
.cssContainer({"margin-top":"2em", "margin-bottom":"2em"})
The issue with this code is that after they see the comment for the first pre-practice item, it is stuck and it does not move to the next one. How can I fix this issue?
Thank you very much for your support and help in advance.