How to present two lines on one page?

PennController for IBEX Forums Support How to present two lines on one page?

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  • #4989

    Dear Jeremy,

    I want to present two sentences on one page such that the first sentence is presented as a whole chunk with the second sentence presented word by word on the second line. An example is as follows:

    “Today is a very nice day!” (presented first but hidden by “__” after presentation)
    “So, I went outside for a walk.” (presented word by word)

    Is there a way that can accomplish this? I know that in Ibex, the whole sentence would be put in [“word1”, “word2”, …]. So if there is a way to break line, it would solve the problem. I’m not sure if PC Ibex (and Ibex as well) can make this happen.

    Many thanks!!!



    Hello Jun,

    Yes, one option would be to inject the native-Ibex DashedSentence controller in a PCIbex trial, like this:

      newText("context", "Today is a very nice day!")
        .css('font-family', 'monospace')
      newText("instructions", "

    Press Space to start reading the next sentence

    ").italic().print() , newKey(" ").wait() , getText("instructions").remove() , getText("context").text("_____ __ _ ____ ____ ____") , newController( "DashedSentence" , {s: "So, I went outside for a walk.", display: "in place"} ) .print() .wait() )

    More info on the DashedSentence controller in the original Ibex documentation


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Jeremy. Reason: Tried to make the example closer to what was described

    Sorry, posting a new message because after re-reading your message I think I just realized that you want something slightly different. Would you be OK with having two DashedSentence back-to-back, like this?

      newController( "DashedSentence" , {s: ["Today is a very nice day!"]} )
      newController( "DashedSentence" , {s: "So I went outside for a walk."} )

    Thanks so much Jeremy! If I understand correctly, in PCIbex, I don’t need to specify the size of the word or phrase by including them in “”. So in your code with “DashedSentence” command, each word in “Today is a very nice day!” will be presented based on space, correct? Also, by adding a new controller, the two sentences can be presented on the same page now, yes? If so, then how do I, say, present the first sentence in its entirety? So, basically, a participant sees the whole chunk “Today is a very nice day!”, followed on the second line by “So”,”I”,”went” … in a word-by-word fashion?



    The code in my second message actually already does what you describe: it presents the sentence “Today is a very nice day!” as a whole chunk, and the second sentence word-by-word

    This is actually how the DashedSentence controller works by default in Ibex: if you take a close look at the s parameter, the first time it is an array of one element (that element being the string) whereas the second time it is a string, directly (no square brackets). When the parameter is an array, every element is presented as a chunk, but when the parameter is directly a string, it is split using the space character and each word (separated by a space) is a chunk.



    I see! This really helps! Thanks so much!


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