How to know the total time cost of a participant

PennController for IBEX Forums Support How to know the total time cost of a participant

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  • #6825

    Hi Jeremy,

    When I looked into my results file (self-paced reading), I cant find any clue to calculate the total time that one participant spent on the whole experiment. The only three columns related to time are Reading.Time, EventTime and Results.Reception.Time. What can I do to calculate the total time cost in the experiment for the participant? Is it equal to Results.Reception.Time – EventTime? EventTime does not seems to be experiment starting time tho.

    For example:
    Results.reception.time EventTime
    1617107753 1.617107e+12




    Hi Rick,

    For some reason Ibex saves the reception time in seconds, while PennController saves event times in milliseconds. You can take look up the participant’s first row, take the Event Time and subtract it from the Reception Time (times 1000) and you’ll get a proxy for the duration in milliseconds


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