failed to upload recordings

PennController for IBEX Forums Support failed to upload recordings

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  • #6538

    Some of my participants failed to upload audio recordings to my server. I checked the results file in ibex, and there was an error message when uploading the zip file: “PennController,UploadRecordings,Status,Failed,1610543552379,Error Text: PermissionDeniedError; Status: 200”

    I’m not sure if this is simply because participants exited the experiment before all the data has been uploaded or is it the problem with my server? (Since many participants did successfully have their recordings data uploaded, I doubt that this is the problem with my server)



    The 200 code means that your server did respond to the upload request, but it failed to save a file. The PHP script from the guide page outputs the PermissionDeniedError message in three situations: there was no fileName parameter in the upload request, there was no valid upload file in the request, or the extension in the fileName parameter was not valid.

    I suspect that what happened to your participants is that their file was just too big. I suggest that you increase the maximum post and upload file sizes.

    Unless those uploads were asynchronous uploads (eg. UploadRecordings("label", "noblock")) your participants must have been prompted with a message containing a link to download an archive of their recordings. You could try to reach out to them to see if they saved it and can send it to you

    I’m sorry for the inconvenience


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