I’m trying to run a relatively simple experiment that asks participants to watch a video and then rate it on a Likert scale. The videos are all hosted on a external website.
The experiment works smoothly for exactly 4 trials. Then, I hit a “resources preloading” page, which takes longer than the initial preload, and eventually get stuck on a blank page with just a progress bar on it.
Here is the demo link:
I have taken the following troubleshooting steps:
– removing randomization
– renaming conditions (to remove any called “control”)
– changing all conditions to just one name
– combinations of the above
None of these steps have gotten me beyond 4 trials — although the trials I see before it hits the problem may be different, it is always exactly 4 trials. Given my troubleshooting, it doesn’t seem related to the conditions or randomization — please help!
Thank you so much, from a struggling PhD student 🙂