Default font style changes

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Default font style changes

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  • #11000

    How can I have the same font style for the experimental stimuli and comprehension questions in a self-paced reading task? For instance, I have the following code but I am not sure how I can do it:

    // Optionally Inject a question into a trial
    const askQuestion = (successCallback, failureCallback, waitTime) => (row) => (row.QUESTION==”1″ ? [
    newText( “comprehension_question”, row.CQ ),
    newText( “answer_correct” , row.CORRECT ),
    newText( “answer_wrong” , row.WRONG ),

    newCanvas(“Canvas”, 600, 100)
    .css(“font-size”, “10pt”)
    .add( 0 , 0, getText(“comprehension_question”))
    .add( 0 , 50 , newText(“1 =”) )
    .add( 300 , 50 , newText(“2 =”) )
    .add( 40 , 50 , getText(“answer_correct”) )
    .add( 340 , 50 , getText(“answer_wrong”) )
    // Experimental trial
    Template(“pg9-list1.csv”, row =>
    newTrial( “experiment-“+row.TYPE,
    // Dashed sentence. Segmentation is marked by “*”
    newController(“SelfPacedReadingParadigmSentence”, {s : row.SENTENCE, splitRegex: /\*/})
    .css(“font-size”, “10pt”)
    .log( “item” , row.ITEM)
    .log( “match” , row.MATCH)
    .log( “antecedent” , row.ANTECEDENT)
    .log( “inforstructure” , row.INFOSTRUCTURE)

    I tried adding .css(“font-family”, “Helvetica, sans-serif”) to each of them. It seemed to work out for the comprehension questions but it didn’t for the experimental stimuli. How can I fix this issue?

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