Can you please help me know how to use the DashedAcceptabilityJudgment controller from IbexFarm? I’ve tried the following:
Template( "myTable.csv" ,
// Row will iteratively point to every row in myTable.csv
row => newTrial("experiment",
newController("DashedAcceptabilityJudgment", {
s: row.Sentence,
q: "How acceptable was that sentence?",
as: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"],
presentAsScale: true,
autoFirstChar: true,
leftComment: "totally unacceptable",
rightComment: "totally acceptable",
mode: "self-paced reading"
When I do this, nothing shows up. If I used the “DashedSentence” controller instead, I get the sentence showing up in a self-paced reading format like expected (but no question). If I use the “Question” controller, I get the acceptability judgment question showing up like it should (but no self-paced reading sentence). It’s just when I try to use “DashedAcceptabilityJudgment” that it doesn’t work.