My name is Lorrainy and I’ve been trying to create an experiment of a self paced reading task using a template with my sentences. However it seems that PCIbex is not recognizing my columns, even though they are written correctly. I’m only at the beginning of it, but can’t follow without this base.
This is the message that it gives me when I press refresh:
“13:31:40] No column named ‘Pergunta’ found in table EstimulosMTeste.csv. (newTrial: 1)
[13:31:40] No column named ‘Frase’ found in table EstimulosMTeste.csv. (newTrial: 1)”
‘Pergunta’ is the column with the question to be answered after the sentence is read, and ‘Frase’ is the one with my sentences, which will be displayed with segments, not word by word.
In my project there is another table (“Teste.csv”) with the same sentences, for the same task, but in a different organization, because I was trying to segment the sentences and didn’t know how to do so.
Here is my link: https://farm.pcibex.net/r/JTIYpB/