Buttons for priming experiments

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    Hi! I’m about to run my first lexical decision and priming experiments online. I have noticed the templates available only use the participants` keyboard. I was thinking that buttons on the screen would be useful for the participants who use smartphones/tablets. What do you think of that? Would the possibility of two different ways of collecting the RTs (keyboard and buttons) affect my results in this case? Thanks in advance!



    You can allow selection through both keypresses and clicks using a Selector element, as illustrated in the tutorial

    Clicks are notoriously slower than key strokes, but letting participants tap buttons on a touchscreen is of course a better option than asking them to use a virtual keyboard. It’s probably a good idea to explicitly invite your participants to press keys if they have a keyboard (it will also make them go through the experiment faster than clicking, which they will surely appreciate) or to tap the buttons if they have a touchscreen. You could ask them to fill a form at the end of the experiment where they report how they made their selections. And if you want to have an independent measure, you can always keep a Key element but log it without waiting for it, so you see in the results file whether they pressed a key


            border: "solid 1px gray",
            padding: "0.5em",
            'text-align': "center"
      newCanvas("container", "30em", "auto")
        .add("right at 10em", 0, newText("yes","<p>Word</p><p>(F)</p>"))
        .add("left at 20em", 0, newText("no","<p>Not a word</p><p>(J)</p>"))



    Thank you so much! The idea of having key strokes x clicks as an independent measure is very interesting. I’ll try to add that on my script.

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