I have been trying to build an interface that looks like a chat box where participants can send texts according to the relevant instructions. With the help of ChatGPT, I managed to build a pretty good-looking and interactive one using a lot of custom Javascript code, that at the moment is totally useless since I’m not able to log the texts in any way.
Do you know if there is a way, by using only PennController commands, to proceed?
This is my example code:
newCanvas(“chatbox”, 400, 300)
.css(“border”, “1px solid black”)
newButton(“Send message”)
.wait(getTextInput(“message1”).test.text( /^(?:[A-Za-z]+|(?:\d|1[0-8]))$/ )
.add(0, 0, newText(“example text”, “Hello”).print())
The goal at the moment would be to print on the Canvas, instead of a newText, the content of the message (namely the input of the TextInput box). I couldn’t find any straightforward way to do it.
Also, if you know about anyone else who built a similar interface here, it would be a great help!
Thank you in ad