Hi, I am programming an experiment about word recognition. The experiment is very simple: we have a long list of words and pseudowords, a hundred of them (67 words, 33 pseudowords) are shown on the screen one at a time and the participants have to respond whether they know them or not.
PC Ibex picks a random sample of words and pseudowords from the list via the function “pick”:
function Pick(set,n) {
assert(set instanceof Object, "First argument of pick cannot be a plain string" );
n = Number(n);
if (isNaN(n) || n<0) n = 0;
this.args = [set];
set.remainingSet = null;
this.run = function(arrays){
if (set.remainingSet===null) set.remainingSet = arrays[0];
const newArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < n && set.remainingSet.length; i++)
newArray.push( set.remainingSet.shift() );
return newArray;
function pick(set, n) { return new Pick(set,n); }
In the sequence, I specify the number of words and pseudowords I want to get picked:
The problem is that the full dataset has 32400 words and 10921 pseudowords. The current code works only up to a total of ca. 5000. If I try to use the full dataset I get this message: “Range error: maximum call stack size ecceded”.
Is there a way to solve the problem?
Many thanks!