Hi! I’m currently working on a manual verification dashboard. I have a CSV file where rows consist of sentences and part-of-speech tagging. I would like participants to verify that each sentence segmented correctly, and that the part-of-speech tagging is correct. Here is my demonstration link: https://farm.pcibex.net/r/GztAsy/.
My two questions are:
1) In one part of a trial, I set a variable “segmentation” to be the input from a TextField.
// Store the text from inputID into Var element
When I want to access the variable again in the same trial, I get an error saying “TypeError: t.replace is not a function (newTrial: 3)” and “Command ‘replace’ unknown on Var element ‘segmentation’. (newTrial: 3)”. The variable is global, not that it should matter since I’m accessing it within the same trial, but I wasn’t sure how to go about this. I’m trying to create a new text using the inputted text (the segmentation variable).
2) In the segmentation task, is there a way to allow users to add additional text input’s themselves? I wanted to see if it was possible to allow users to input one sentence in one text input.