Reply To: Backtracking Latin square/finding the right seed

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Backtracking Latin square/finding the right seed Reply To: Backtracking Latin square/finding the right seed


Hi Kate,

1) You could define the function at the top of your script, for example. It just needs to take a row parameter and return a newTrial, e.g:

myCustomTrialFunction = row => newTrial( "experiment"+row.catg ,
  newController("DashedSentence", {s: row.acceptability})
    // etc.
.log("catg", row.catg")

2) The function is just a handy way to not write the same code twice. The same trials that are now created for group A will be created for all groups, with the same current labels. Because Sequence operates over labels, you don’t have to change anything to your current setup
