Reply To: Fit pictures of different size to selector

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Fit pictures of different size to selector Reply To: Fit pictures of different size to selector



I answered this question via email, but I’m posting the answer here too for other users

The simplest solution in this case is to simply set a max-height and max-width on the Image elements to the same dimensions of the containing Canvas elements:

newCanvas("left", 500, 290)
    .add(  "center at 50%" , "middle at 50%" , getImage("target").css({"max-height":"290px", "max-width":"500px"})),

newCanvas("right",500, 290)
    .add(  "center at 50%" , "middle at 50%" , getImage("foil").css({"max-height":"290px", "max-width":"500px"})),
