Reply To: html file saving input boxes

PennController for IBEX Forums Support html file saving input boxes Reply To: html file saving input boxes



I can see my answers in the results file when I test a copy of your experiment, here are the first four lines:

1665953582	REDACTED	PennController	0	0	teste	NULL	PennController	0	_Trial_	Start	1665953521474	NULL
1665953582	REDACTED	PennController	0	0	teste	NULL	Html	teste	case1	it	1665953582867	text input
1665953582	REDACTED	PennController	0	0	teste	NULL	Html	teste	case2	reux	1665953582867	text input
1665953582	REDACTED	PennController	0	0	teste	NULL	Html	teste	case3	nt	1665953582867	text input

Are you still unable to see the answers today?
