Reply To: Experiment freezes in the middle of trial sequence

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Experiment freezes in the middle of trial sequence Reply To: Experiment freezes in the middle of trial sequence



This is because the TextInput element gets deleted once the trial is over, and the .log command on newTrial() is executed asynchronously, so this command will fail when it so happens that it is executed after the trial is over: .log("answer", getTextInput("answer_box"))

Use a global Var element to make sure the element persists outside the trial and the log command never crashes:

            .wait( getTextInput("answer_box").testNot.text(""))
        newVar("answer").global().set( getTextInput("answer_box") )
    .log("code", row.code)
    .log("context", row.context)
    .log("answer", getVar("answer"))
