PennController for IBEX › Forums › Support › re-taking randomized item order › Reply To: re-taking randomized item order
September 20, 2022 at 5:31 am
Hi Jeremy,
thanks again for having helped us out so much – a new issue came up and we were hoping that you might be able to look over it too: We ran a test of the study above and it appears that some things do not get logged to results. This happened twice, both times with the corresponding scale for the audio openguise_m_namlex_a.wav (even though our understanding is that the exact same trial runs three times, only selecting a different audio each time). I am attaching the slightly modified code and a sample of how the results look below.
Thank you in advance, we appreciate your work!
audios = [] // audios will reference the audios in a randomized order for simple playback
audios2 = [] // audios2 will ultimately be a copy of audios
// Create dummy trials to browse the table and feed then shuffle audios
Template("OG-audios.csv", row =>
PennController( audios.push(row.Audio),
fisherYates(audios) )
// Now create the Item trials reading the audio references from audios
audio = ""
,Template( row =>
PennController( "Item",
audio = audios.shift(), // Extract next entry from audios
audios2.push(audio) // Place it in audios2
newAudio( audio )
newCanvas("Message", 708,522 )
.add( 0, 0, getImage("message"))
.add( 150, 360, getAudio(audio))
newText("Bewertung","<p><br>Bitte der Aufnahme eine Gesprächssituation zuordnen. Hat die Sprecherin mit einer <b>Freund*in</b> oder einer <b>Lehrer*in</b> gesprochen? Dazu Punkt auf der Skala auswählen. </p>")
.settings.css("font-family", "calibri").settings.css("font-size", "18px")
.add(50, 0, getText("Bewertung"))
newScale("Skala1", 9)
.settings.css("font-family", "calibri").settings.css("font-size", "22px")
.add(150, 0, getScale("Skala1").settings.log("final"))
newButton( "Weiter" )
.failure( newText('errorage', "<br>Bitte Punkt auf der Skala wählen.").color("red") .center().print() )
.log("audio", audio) // Log which audio was played
1663664587,REDACTED,PennController,9,0,Item,NULL,PennController,12,_Trial_,Start,1663664360727,openguise_m_sd.wav,NULL 1663664587,REDACTED,PennController,9,0,Item,NULL,Scale,Skala1,Choice,6,1663664370706,openguise_m_sd.wav,NULL 1663664587,REDACTED,PennController,9,0,Item,NULL,PennController,12,_Trial_,End,1663664374041,openguise_m_sd.wav,NULL 1663664587,REDACTED,PennController,10,0,Item,NULL,PennController,13,_Trial_,Start,1663664374043,openguise_m_namlex.wav,NULL 1663664587,REDACTED,PennController,10,0,Item,NULL,PennController,13,_Trial_,End,1663664380715,openguise_m_namlex.wav,NULL 1663664587,REDACTED,PennController,11,0,Item,NULL,PennController,14,_Trial_,Start,1663664380717,openguise_m_namgram.wav,NULL 1663664587,REDACTED,PennController,11,0,Item,NULL,Scale,Skala1,Choice,1,1663664387670,openguise_m_namgram.wav,NULL 1663664587,REDACTED,PennController,11,0,Item,NULL,PennController,14,_Trial_,End,1663664391514,openguise_m_namgram.wav,NULL