Reply To: Resources Not Loading – Random Points in Experiment

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Resources Not Loading – Random Points in Experiment Reply To: Resources Not Loading – Random Points in Experiment


Hi Kelly,

My guess is that it’s just too many resources. You’re requesting close to 700 files: it’s just very likely that at least one of those requests will fail for any number of reasons, and still quite likely that more than one will fail. Distributing the requests over two different servers (github and the farm) probably helped, but to be honest, I’m surprised you were still able to run 2 pilots with no issues

As I mentioned in my previous post, one minor thing you could do is replace the URLs with URLs so the browser doesn’t have to send as many requests, i.e you can replace with It won’t solve everything, since as you said you’ve also experienced issues preloading files from the farm, but it’s still a step in the right direction

Amazon offers 5GB of S3 storage with AWS Free Tier (valid 12 months). You could upload a zip file there (see this post for tips on how to set things up so your experiment can download the zip file from S3)
