Reply To: Proceeding to the next trial based on different conditions

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Proceeding to the next trial based on different conditions Reply To: Proceeding to the next trial based on different conditions


Hi Jeremy!
I have a similar problem to supadhye’s.
I have a completion experiment and I want to impose two limits on the completions:
– I want participants to complete two or more words, not only one (this I have already done)
– and I want a time limit. So, for example, if a participant is more than one minute in the experiment, I want it to automatically pass on to the next trial and an error message that says: “Too slow”.

So far I have this, but it is not working: the timer doesn’t stop the trial and the error message doesn’t appear. Do you have any suggestions?

// Practica 1
newText("Complete con lo primero que venga a su mente, recuerde que tiene que ser más de una palabra:</p></p>")
    .css("font-size", "14px")
    .before(newText("La señora empujó al padre del niño que "))
    .size(250, 22)
newTimer("hurry", 1000)
    .success(newText("lento", "¡Muy lento!").print(), getTextInput("rta_p1"))
newButton("prox", "Próxima")
    .css("font-size", "medium")
    .failure(newText("Es necesario completar el recuadro con más de una palabra para pasar a la próxima oración").center().color("red").print()))

Also here’s the demonstration link:

Thanks a lot!
