Reply To: Comprehension question and rshuffle in self-paced reading

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Comprehension question and rshuffle in self-paced reading Reply To: Comprehension question and rshuffle in self-paced reading


Thank you Jeremy! That’s very helpful. I see your point: the .log("iscorrect",getVar("iscorrect")) bit is essentially appended to newTrial. I have two more very minor questions:

1. .success( getVar("isCorrect").set(true) ) sets the response to “true” when there is a correct response. Is “true” written as “1” to the results file, or is it written as “true” to the file? If it is the latter, can I set it to set("1")?

2. For one of my old Ibex files which I transferred to PC Ibex, I cannot turn the debugger off with DebugOff(). I wonder whether this is because the original Ibex syntax does not work well with DebugOff()? I have something like the following:



Sequence("consent","instructions", "practice1","good_demo","practice2","bad_demo","practice3","more_demo","practice4","practice5","transfer",randomize("experimental-trial"), SendResults(), "end")

SetCounter("counter", "inc", 1);

