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December 14, 2021 at 1:58 pm

Hi Jun,
You could make Answer1 the correct answer in every row: since you shuffle the order in the scale anyway, your participants won’t be able to identify the correct answer by its order
Then if you don’t want to mark whether the participant’s answer was correct during post-data-collection analyses, you could use a global Var element to add a column that reports whether the choice was correct:
newVar("isCorrect").global() , newScale("answer",...[row.Answer1,row.Answer2].sort(v=>0.5-Math.random()) .labelsPosition("right") .center() .log() .print() .wait() .test.selected( row.Answer1 ) .success( getVar("isCorrect").set(true) ) .failure( getVar("isCorrect").set(false) ) ) .log("isCorrect", getVar("isCorrect")) )