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Dear Jeremy,
sorry for the multiple posts, I am not sure if it has canceled a reply of mine.
I have noticed that during the training, when the script has to check for success or failure, now it seems to count everything as failure since it prints the negative feedback also the times when the answer is correct.
newSelector("smileys_practice") .disableClicks() .add( getImage("inappropriate"), getImage("infelicitous"), getImage("appropriate")) .keys( "V" , "B" , "N" ) .once() .log() .wait() .test.selected(variable_practice.Right_Key) // Increment if correct answer .success( getVar("practice_score").set(s_p=>s_p+1) ) .failure(newText("negative feedback", variable_practice.feedback_eng) .log() .print() .center() .cssContainer({"font-size": "130%", "color": "red"}) ) ,
This is the column Right_Key in my template
Right_Key N N N N B B B B
So when they press N, no negative feedback should appear in the 4 first trials.
Nonetheless it prints the feedback all the times.
It is weird cause yesterday I tried and it was working correctly.
Do I need to store the pressed key in a variable in order to compared it with what is the column Right Key in the template?
getKey("response") .test.pressed() .success( getKey("response").test.pressed(row.answer) .failure(newText("negative feedback", "Wrong answer!")
This is from the documentation, and the selected key is store in variable “response”.
I tried with test.pressed but it gives me an error within a selector.
The capslock n vs. N seems not to be the problem.
Do you know what could be wrong?