Reply To: html layout/event times/selector vs. scale/ compatibility

PennController for IBEX Forums Support html layout/event times/selector vs. scale/ compatibility Reply To: html layout/event times/selector vs. scale/ compatibility


sorry for the late reply, I didn’t get or notice the notification you replied.. THANK YOU! 😀

The training (counting the correct answers) works perfectly, I didn’t know I could do it this way.

    .add( getImage("inappropriate"), getImage("infelicitous"), getImage("appropriate"))
    .keys(                 "V"     ,              "B"       ,              "N"     )
    .test.selected( variable_practice.Right_Key )  // Increment if correct answer
    .success( getVar("practice_score").set(s_p=>s_p+1) )
    .failure(newText("negative feedback", "Wrong answer!")
            .cssContainer({"font-size": "160%", "color": "red"})

I was trying to implement the feedback in case the answer is wrong. This, I don’t know if it’s doable or not, cause I should provide different feedback in case the participant doesn’t answer correctly to a trial belonging to the specific condition (inappropriate, infelicitous, appropriate), like “this sentence is not appropriate because in the picture ABC is depicted”. (The participant is exposed to a picture, then to a sentence, and has 3 keys to rate the sentence, matching 3 emoticons, happy sad neutral).
So in this way, I would have 3 standard feedback to assign in case they get some trials wrong in condition “inappropriate”, some trials wrong in condition “infelicitous”, some trials wrong in condition “appropriate”.
Maybe I should train them as 3 separate practices, but I am not sure whether it would become too “complicated” for the participant. 3 practices and the experiment.
The idea was that the trials were in one single practice, and considering the total amount of trials, they should pass the threshold value.

Is there a way to provide feedback according to the condition of the wrong trial?

Latin Square: Does the system recognize to load the items belonging to a single group, by simply adding the column “Group” to the template? Should I specify something in the code?
(Should the items belonging to Group 1 be lined up one after the other or is it ok if the table loads line 1 belonging to Group 1, line 2 belonging to Group 2 etc… )