Reply To: html layout/event times/selector vs. scale/ compatibility

PennController for IBEX Forums Support html layout/event times/selector vs. scale/ compatibility Reply To: html layout/event times/selector vs. scale/ compatibility



1) If you want the time between the sentence and the scale, you should place the newVar command before the second key press (the one just before the sentence appears) and the getVar command after the third key press (the one that precedes the scale appearing)

2) That “RT” column will only be included in the lines that correspond to that newTrial command. If you have lines in your results file coming from, say, intro/welcome/end/etc. trials, they won’t include an “RT” column because their corresponding newTrials don’t have the same .log command (because there’s no RT to compute for those trials). Is the RT column missing from the lines corresponding to the newTrial that was embedded in Template too?

3) You can find an example of how to analyze data in R in the advanced tutorial: in this example, reaction times are calculated post-hoc by subtracting event times coming from different lines from the same trial. Note that the table resulting from the piece of code below (copied from the tutorial page) follows the one-line/one-trial format that you seek:

tidied_results <- tidied_results %>%
  mutate(reaction_time = selection_time - canvas_time,
        correct = if_else(condition == selection, 1, 0))
