Reply To: Translation for the explanatory messages of eye-tracking module

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Translation for the explanatory messages of eye-tracking module Reply To: Translation for the explanatory messages of eye-tracking module


Hello, Jeremy,

Thank you for your reply. I tried your code, and successfully replaced the original English texts with texts in various other languages (e.g. in Japanese; 計測には,機器調整スコアが最低$2点必要ですが,現在のスコアは$1点です。). However, I failed to modify the style of <p> tags (e.g. I could not replace <p> with <p style='width:30em'>). Is it possible to modify any HTML tags using your code, or should I directly rewrite PennElement_eyetracker.js and place it in script folder of my project?

    "<p>It looks like we were not able to precisely calibrate the tracker:",
    "<p style='width:30em'>Il semble que nous n'avons pas pu calibrer le tracker précisément"
    /You calibration score is (\d+) and you need at least (\d+)/,
