Reply To: Event segmentation task

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Event segmentation task Reply To: Event segmentation task


Hello Diana,

You could use a Function element to detect seeking events on the video and perform operations accordingly

Here is a suggestion — I also reworked the print logic, because the visual arrangement appeared off for me

Template ("all_4_no_interference_fam_lang_task.csv",
    row => newTrial("segmentation_task",
        defaultText.css({'white-space': 'nowrap', margin: '0.5em'}).center()
        newText("info1", "<p>If you were to divide this movie into meaningful events, at which second would the first meaninful event intuitively end?</p>")
        newTimer("wait", 3000).start().wait()
            .size("40vw", "23vw")
        newTooltip("tips", "Use the navigation bar to provide your answer")
           .position("right middle")
           .print( getVideo("video") )
        newText("lenght_label", "The natural ending for the first meaningful event would be at: ")
            .after( newText("seconds_label1", "...") )
        newVar("ending times", [0]).log()   // This .log() is somewhat redundant with video.log()
        newFunction( ()=>new Promise(r=>getVideo("video")"seeking", async e=>{
            await getVar("ending times").set(v=>[...v.slice(0,-1),])._runPromises();
            await getText("seconds_label"+getVar("ending times").value.length).text(
                Math.round( + " seconds."
        })) ).call()
        newDropDown("slider2", "(Select an option)")
            .before(newText("question", "Do you think a new event begins right after the previous one?") )
            .cssContainer("margin", "0.5em")
                    getTooltip("tips").print( getVideo("video") )
                    getVar("ending times").set(v=>[...v,[0]])
                    newText("lenght_label", "The next meaningful event begins at: ")
                        .after( newText("seconds_label2", "...") )
                    newFunction(()=>new Promise(r=>getVideo("video")"seeking", r))).call()
        newText("instructions", "Please briefly describe the contents of the video!")
        newTextInput("description", "")
            .size(500, 100)
                "background-color": "green",
                "font-size": "24px",
                "border-radius": "15px",
                padding: "15px 25px",
                "text-align": "center",
                color: "#fff",
                border: "none"
