Reply To: Choosing subet of items to present

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Choosing subet of items to present Reply To: Choosing subet of items to present


Hi, Jeremy.

I am sorry if the content of this post is duplicated but I cannot find the version that I wrote before.

Anyways, I have a mixed design between and within participants for a Dashed Sentence experiment. First, I created a table using the “group” column as a between participants design and used rshuffle but then I noticed the same experimental item was repeated in different conditions for the same participant (I have the same stimuli in 4 conditions). Then I decided to use the column “group” to arrange the items into conditions and it worked well for the problem I had before. But then another problem arised: I don’t know how to code for a between participant design when my column “group” is already “occupied”. I thought about using the function “pick” that you presented before in this topic for the within participant option and the group column for the between participant, but I wonder if both information would shock somehow.

Here is part of my table:

tipo_DP	num_DP	num_poss	num_NouPred	group	item
realizado	pl	sg	sg	A	1       ...
realizado	sg	pl	sg	B	2
realizado	pl	pl	sg	C	3
realizado	pl	pl	pl	D	4
realizado	pl	sg	sg	A	1
realizado	sg	pl	sg	B	2
realizado	pl	pl	sg	C	3
realizado	pl	pl	pl	D	4
realizado	pl	sg	sg	A	1
realizado	sg	pl	sg	B	2
realizado	pl	pl	sg	C	3
realizado	pl	pl	pl	D	4
realizado	pl	sg	sg	A	1
realizado	sg	pl	sg	B	2
realizado	pl	pl	sg	C	3
realizado	pl	pl	pl	D	4
elidido	        pl	sg	sg	E	1
elidido	        sg	pl	sg	F	2
elidido	        pl	pl	sg	G	3
elidido	        pl	pl	pl	H	4
elidido	        pl	sg	sg	E	1
elidido	        sg	pl	sg	F	2
elidido	        pl	pl	sg	G	3
elidido	        pl	pl	pl	H	4
elidido	        pl	sg	sg	E	1
elidido	        sg	pl	sg	F	2
elidido	        pl	pl	sg	G	3
elidido	        pl	pl	pl	H	4
elidido	        pl	sg	sg	E	1
elidido	        sg	pl	sg	F	2
elidido	        pl	pl	sg	G	3
elidido	        pl	pl	pl	H	4

The between-participant factor is “tipo_DP” – One groups should see (A, B, C, D) and the other should see (E, F, G, H)

And here is a piece of my code:

Sequence(rshuffle("experimentais", "distratoras"), SendResults(), "fim")

// Iniciar o experimento
    exp => newTrial("experimentais",
        newController("DashedSentence", {s: exp.sentenca_exp})
            .css("font-size", "20px")
            .css("font-family", "Calibri")
        newText("pergunta", exp.pergunta)
            .css("font-size", "20px")
            .css("font-family", "Calibri")
        newScale("respostas options",exp.RespA, exp.RespB, exp.RespC)
            .css("font-size", "20px")
            .css("font-family", "Calibri")
            .labelsPosition( "right" )
            .add(getScale("respostas options"))
        newButton("next", "PRÓXIMA FRASE")
            .css("font-size", "20px")
            .css("font-family", "Calibri")
        .log("tipo DP", exp.tipo_DP)
        .log("número D", exp.num_D)
        .log("número poss", exp.num_poss)
        .log("número nome ou pred", exp.num_NouPred)
        .log("item experimental", exp.sentenca_exp)

Thank you in advance,
