Reply To: Exit button

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Exit button Reply To: Exit button



It does not look to me like you want to implement the same kind of “exit” button: what Diane and Nickolas wanted was a button that was visible on every single trial of the experiment, which would let participants end the experiment prematurely whenever they like

Unless I am misunderstanding what you are trying to do, it looks like you simply want to give that option once to your participants, namely on the consent form page. This is a standard case of linear execution, you could do this for example:

    newHtml("Consent", "consent.html")
    newText("I have read this informed consent document and the material contained \
            in it has been explained to me verbally. All my questions have been answered, \
            and I freely and voluntarily choose to participate.")
    newScale("agree", "I want to participate in this study.", 
            "I do not wish to participate in this study.")
        .test.selected("I do not wish to participate in this study.")

Note that the string in test.selected was missing the final period (the strings must correspond exactly) and I added newButton().wait() to prevent the experiment from moving to the next trial anyway after executing SendResults
