Reply To: Choosing subet of items to present

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Choosing subet of items to present Reply To: Choosing subet of items to present



I’m very new to PCIbex and so far I have managed well but got stuck in randomizing.

I have 8 conditions and 4 items manipulated according to each condition + 5 types of fillers:
cond item sentence
A 1 …
A 2 …
A 3 …
A 4
B 1
B 1
B 2
B 3
B 4

filler-1 1

I would like each participant to randomly see 2 experimental items of each condition and 2 fillers in the following sequence: 1 exp item + 2 fillers, 1 exp item + 2 fillers… I wonder if I could create a subset like this that would also be randomized among participants.

Thank you,
