Reply To: hide cursor and select by pointing

PennController for IBEX Forums Support hide cursor and select by pointing Reply To: hide cursor and select by pointing


Hi Jeremy,

Due to the recent upgrade (to 1.9), one function you wrote for my project doesn’t work anymore (see below). The original goal was to make a canvas disappear when the mouse moves to any of the four objects on that canvas (this thread has more details).
Is there a way I can access the older version of PennController? If not, could you help modify the following code? Thank you!

newFunction( ()=>new Promise(r=>$(".PennController-left-container, .PennController-right-container, .PennController-top-container, .PennController-bottom-container").bind('mouseenter',
        function(e) { getVar("choice").set( this.className.replace(/^.*(right|top|bottom|left).*$/,"$1") )._runPromises().then(r); }
    )) ).call()
