Reply To: Pseudoranomization

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Pseudoranomization Reply To: Pseudoranomization


Hi Jeremy,

Thank you!

My group column is similar to what is in the tutorial. So I have a column for group, and each row with the corresponding conditions is assigned to either group A, group B, or group C. I tried to copy and paste and align a part of the table in my .csv file here in the textbox; hopefully it stays all lined up once I post this. (None of the stimuli presented like the sentences, fillers, etc are what will actually be in the live experiment.)

If I’m understanding this correctly, the randomizeNoMoreThan with 1A, 1B, 1C etc is just a label of trials, and isn’t about the pseudorandomizing specifically of the group column, where the groups are A, B, C? In my trial type, “con” is for congruent, and “inc” is for incongruent. Ideally, we’ll have some filler sentences and some filler questions, so “Q” means question (but I’ve omitted the question column for space).

The “group” column seems to be randomized already with the randomize(“experiment”) code, so what I want is to find a way to pseudorandomize my “trialtype” column, so the UA_con etc labels. At one point I tried randomizeNoMoreThan(anyOf(“UA_con”, “UA_inc”, “AM_con”),2) (so on and so forth with the rest of the trials) but I didn’t think that was right, because I didn’t think I was supposed to edit your randomizeNoMoreThan(anyOf script.

Group 	trial_ID. trialtype	        Stim	                             Flanker	Response	
A		   UA_con	Put the dumplings in the pot	              <<<<<	    F		
A		   UA_inc	Pour the coffee in the mug	              <<><<	    J		
A		   AM_con	Put the dumplings in the pot in the pan	      >>>>>	    F		
A		   AM_inc	Pour the coffee in the mug down the drain     >><>>	    J		
A		  AM_con_Q	Sit in the chair in the living room 	      <<<<<	    F		
A		  UA_con_Q	    Sleep on the bed	                      >>>>>	    F		
A		    con		                                              >>>>>			
A		    inc		                                              <<><<			
A		   filler	This is a filler sentence 		                    F		
B		  UA_con	Put the dumplings in the pot	              <<><<	    J		
B		  UA_inc	Pour the coffee in the mug	              >>>>>	    F		
B		  AM_con	Put the dumplings in the pot in the pan	       >><>>	    J		
B		   AM_inc	Pour the coffee in the mug down the drain.    <<<<<	    F		
B		  AM_con_Q	Sit in the chair in the living room 	       >>>>>	    F	 
B		  UA_con_Q	      Sleep on the bed	                       >>>>>		
B		    con		                                               <<><<			
B		    inc		                                               <<<<<	    F		
B		  filler	  This is a filler sentence 		

Thank you again!
