Reply To: reaction time results appear in different two columns

PennController for IBEX Forums Support reaction time results appear in different two columns Reply To: reaction time results appear in different two columns



Thank you so much for your effort! I really appreciate your help.
The results look much more tidy now. However, there are still some remaining issue occur:

– The RQ is actually the rating question that consists of a scale of 4. So, the content of RQ should be numbers 1,2,3,4
I do not really know why it takes it as yes/no answer question! although I have only one yes/no question, which is the CQ.
However, the answers of the RQ exist in a later columns under the dashed sentence (it is clearly shown in the results file).
So I think because we kept the dashed sentences lines only, we lost the RQ number answers. How to get them back and include them in the RQ column?

I also noticed that the filler items (which include other tenses than just articles) do not have answers for all the three questions (the CQ that needs to be answered by Yes/No, the RQ that takes a scale of 4, and the MC which takes an article), but takes NA instead?

It also give a group name (C) to all items which is not true because I have 5 groups presenting the five conditions I have (A,B,C,D,E)

Thank you.