Reply To: reaction time results appear in different two columns

PennController for IBEX Forums Support reaction time results appear in different two columns Reply To: reaction time results appear in different two columns



1596973404	MD5HASH_EDITED	PennController	11	0	trials	NULL	Controller-DashedSentence	DashedSentence	1	For	1.59697E+12	For example yellow_chair is very attractive. 	No	No	A	C	792	FALSE	For example yellow_chair is very attractive. 	Any addtional parameters were appended as additional columns

(the second line starts with No……etc. so it comes in the same first column in the cell under the first value (1596973404)


1596973404	MD5HASH_EDITED	PennController	39	0	trials	NULL	Controller-DashedSentence	DashedSentence	1	So	1.59697E+12	442	FALSE	So after Kevin came in Audrey sings a song.	Any addtional parameters were appended as additional columns		

Here, FALSE comes in the second line (under the first value), So after Kevin came in Audrey sings a song (in the second column)…etc

Hope it is clear.

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Jeremy. Reason: Replaced MD5 hash for full anonymity