Reply To: reaction time results appear in different two columns

PennController for IBEX Forums Support reaction time results appear in different two columns Reply To: reaction time results appear in different two columns



As explained on the Controller element documentation page, extra columns will be appended at the end of the line because different types of controllers report different numbers of parameters.

What you probably did is use log on the newTrial inside your Template, which also appends columns at the end of the line. Those take precedence over the ones appended by the Controller element, because the order of the different columns needs to be consistent across all rows corresponding to the different logged elements from the same trial: for example, if you log an extra “ParticipantID” column, it shouldn’t 13th in the line corresponding to a Button element from one trial, but 15th in the line corresponding to a Controller element from the same trial.

Because you didn’t log those extra columns for you filler items (I assume) the Controller extra columns come earlier in the lines corresponding to the filler items. You will need to handle that externally to PCIbex. It’s an easy fix if you use R, for example, and I’d be happy to help you doing it. Just let me know
