Reply To: DashedSentence in a PennController trial

PennController for IBEX Forums FAQ / Tips DashedSentence in a PennController trial Reply To: DashedSentence in a PennController trial


I am looking to present chunks of a sentence in place in a self-paced reading task. The code runs now, but not in the format I want (it is now displaying full sentence with empty blanks; I want in place words/chunks)

I believe the changes need to be made in the line starting with “let words =” in order to remove the dashes and make the words appear in place, but I’m at a loss for what I need to use.

This is the code:

dashed = (sentence, remove) => {
    let words = sentence.split('*'),  blanks =>w.split('').map(c=>'_').join('') );
    let textName = 'dashed'+words.join('');
    // We'll return cmds: the first command consists in creating (and printing) a Text element with dashes
    let cmds = [ newText(textName, blanks.join(' ')).print() .settings.css("font-family","times new roman")]; // times new roman as font
    // We'll go through each word, and add two command blocks per word
    for (let i = 0; i <= words.length; i++)
    cmds = cmds.concat([ newKey('dashed'+i+words[i], " ").log().wait() , // Wait for (and log) a press on Space
    getText(textName).text(,n)=>(n==i?words[n]:w)).join(' ')) ]); // Show word
    if (remove)  // Remove the text after the last key.wait() is parameter specified
    return cmds;
//Introduction screen with button
    newText("intro", "These are the instructions. Click to start.")

//Experimental task with in place self-paced reading followed by a comprehension question. Sentence and question are pulled from the table. 
Template(variable =>     
        newText("test", "Press space bar to read the sentence.")
            .css("color", "red")
            .css("font-syle", "italic")
            .css("line-height", "1.5")
        newText("test", "Press <b>A</b> for true. Press <b>L</b> for false.")
            .css("font-syle", "italic")
            .css("line-height", "1.5")
        newText("cq", variable.Question)
            .css("line-height", "2.5")
  • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by CFWhitwell.