Reply To: Questionnaire with questions on the same page

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Questionnaire with questions on the same page Reply To: Questionnaire with questions on the same page


Hi Jeremy,

I’ve got a similar issue at the moment, in that we want to present a post-experiment memory task in which 50 names are presented as a list. We want to log which names are selected (presumably along a scale with radio buttons), but we also want to log other variables related to each name (from other columns in the .csv. E.g., indicating whether the name was presented in the experiment or not). We’d also like to be able to randomise the presentation of these names.

Our question is basically: is it at all possible to present multiple values of a single column as a list, and to also be able to log whether each value was selected, while also logging variables related to each value (e.g., experimental or decoy item)?
