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Hi Nickolas,
I hadn’t noticed that the results were sent anyway. You should have the same MD5-hased IP each time the results are sent, but a different ReceptionTime, so you won’t be able to use those to discriminate redundant results lines from the same participant form results lines from two participants taking your experiment on the same machine with the same browser. If you log a uniquely identifying ID otherwise then that’s not a problem.
Also keep in mind that redundancy might make your results files grow quite fast, which could be a problem depending on the situation. The size of your results files counts toward calculating your quota on the PCIbex Farm, for example.
All that being said, you can add this bit of code to your script to disable the specific prompt:
const oldAlert = window.alert; window.alert = function(message) { if (message=="WARNING: Results have already been sent once. Did you forget to set the 'manualSendResults' config option?") return;,message); }