Reply To: DashedSentence in a PennController trial

PennController for IBEX Forums FAQ / Tips DashedSentence in a PennController trial Reply To: DashedSentence in a PennController trial


Sorry for barging into this discussion. But is there any way to keep punctuation and line breaks visible at all times in a dashed sentence trial?
Basically, an example text like this:

Nico and Lotte fought together for a fair and equal world. Their collaboration proved to be extremely successful.
Nico inspired Lotte because he always wanted to take immediate action when he saw injustice.

Should turn into a dashed sentence text like this:

—- — —– —— ——– — – —- — —– —–. —– ————- —— — — ——— ———-.
—- — —– —— ——– — – —- — —– —–.

I could not yet figure out how to put elements into the text which would be treated as exceptions by the dashed function – nor how to concatenate several dashed sentence and plain text elements on a single trial screen.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,