PennController for IBEX › Forums › Support › Question about assigning conditions, groups + randomization › Reply To: Question about assigning conditions, groups + randomization
August 21, 2023 at 3:22 am

This is because you don’t include the fields you want to log as part of the row
that you pass to myCustomTrialFunction
inside the “dummy” Template
. You can simply append all the fields of the original rows along with contextsetter
and targetsentence
simply by referencing ...t
, like this:
[ {contextsetter: t['contextcomparative'], targetsentence: t['comparativequestion'], ...t}, {contextsetter: t['contextequative'], targetsentence: t['equativequestion'], ...t}, {contextsetter: t['contextquestion'], targetsentence: t['questionquestion'], ...t} ].map(row => ["experiment_"+t.pair,"PennController", myCustomTrialFunction(row)] )