Reply To: Get the previous row of a column

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Get the previous row of a column Reply To: Get the previous row of a column


Hi, @Jeremy ! I could fiz the previous issue, I wasn’t adding a .wait(). However, the getTEXT() bellow do not show to be working:

Note: they are working in another experiment just fine, I don’t know why they aren’t here:

// 👉 Instructions trial 
newCanvas("my-canvas", 950,625) //950, 625
      .add(180,160, getText("welcome-researcher-msg"))
      .add(150,210, getText("type-ID-msg"))
      .add(225,240, getTextInput("inputID"))
      .add(320,320, getButton("wait"))
      .add(270,350, getText("failure"))
        "padding": "1,5em",
        "background-color": '#FFFCF1',
        "border-radius": '25px',
        "border": '2px solid #73AD21'
newText("welcome-researcher-msg", "Welcome, researcher!")
   // "border": "5px solid black",
  //  "background-color": "yellow",
  //  "color": "black",
newText("type-ID-msg", "<br>Please, type <b style=color:red;>your participant's ID</b> below and click on 'START EXPERIMENT'.</br>")
    newTextInput("inputID", "")
            "margin":"2em",  // Add a em margin around this element
            "border-radius": "4px",
newButton("wait","START EXPERIMENT 👉")
  "border": "none",
  "font-size": "40px",
  "padding": "0.5rem 1rem",
  "border-radius": "0.7rem",
 // "color": "white",
  "background-color": "green",
  "cursor": "pointer",
// Only validate a click on Start when inputID has been filled
        .wait( getTextInput("inputID").testNot.text("") 
        .failure(newText("failure", "Please, type your participant's ID above 👆")
            "margin-top": "1em", 
            "color": "red"})
// Store the text from inputID into the Var element
    getVar("ID").set( getTextInput("inputID") )

the texts are appearing below the canvas, I don't know why..Why is that?