Reply To: Get the previous row of a column

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Get the previous row of a column Reply To: Get the previous row of a column


We have to erase the counter if the answer is right in case a participant get 1 error followed by a correct answer (which is allowed), not in case we have two sequential errors, I wrote it wrong above.

My attempt in Pcibex was this, but I got stuck…

// CREATE an error count outside "loop" so that it doesn't gets erased whenever a trial starts 
let errorNum = 0;

Template("newStimuliShort.csv", row =>
           padding: '0.5em',
          'text-align': 'center',
          "justify-content": 'center',
          "align-items": 'center' ,
          'font-size': '50px',
    newMediaRecorder("recorder", "audio").log().record()
  //  ,
  //  newTimer("recording", 60000).log().start()
    newText("words", row.sequence) // Display sequences 
    newAudio("audio",  // play corresponding audio (which is in Portuguese) 
    getAudio("audio").wait("first") // wait audio finishes
    newAudio("beep", "beep.mp3") 
    getAudio("beep").wait("first") // wait audio finishes
    newVar("currLen").set(row.lenNumeric) // get current i length of "sequence" 
     newKey("NEXT", "SK")
     .disable() // make sure we only have 1 answer - participant can only answer once
      newText("success", 'yey'),   // if the answer is right, 
      getVar("errorNum").set(0))   // make sure to erase the error count in case a participant get 1 error followed by a correct answer 
    newVar("errorCount").set( errorNum + 1)  // Increase error count by 1 ans store it in a variable called 'errorCount' 

    // I would need sth here to store the errors so that k + k generates errorCount = K , then I guess I could use .testIs() to see if errorCount === 2. If yes, then 
              we should check if the current length equals the last length and break the experiment in case it's TRUE. Otherwise just erase the error count again and the 
          experiment continues
  // newText("lastLen", row.lenNumeric).map((w,i) => <code>${w[i - 1]}</code>) // get the last length ---- COULDN'T DO IT!! 
//    ,
    //    .text( getVar("errorCount") ) // I was displaying just to see if it was working
        .text(getVar("errorCount")) // I was displaying just to see if it was working
        .cssContainer({"font-size":"30px", "text-align":"center", "margin-top":"255px","font-family":"Comic Sans MS", "color":"red","white-space":"nowrap"})

    newTimer("wait-success",100) //timer for the success or failure messenge
    // ,
    // getTimer("recording").wait()

PS: I tried to use 0 and 1 instead of letters for the keypress, but I couldn’t do it. I guess it was interpreting 0 and 1 as strings, not numbers, how would I overcome that as well ?

  • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Larissa_Cury. Reason: forgot to put block code