Reply To: Questionnaire with questions on the same page

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Questionnaire with questions on the same page Reply To: Questionnaire with questions on the same page


Hi Marta,

My bad, I thought the content of the Text elements would be logged, but that’s not the case. One thing you could do is redefine the question function like this:

question = (number,text) =>
    newScale("Rating-"+number, "Strongly Disagree",  "Disagree", "Neither Agree or Disagree", "Agree", "Strongly Agree")
        .before( newText(text).log() )

The Text elements will be reported in the results file in the order in which they were printed, so that the Text element of the first reported row will correspond to the Scale element named Rating-0, and so on. The content of the Text elements will be found in the PennElementName column of their corresponding rows
