Reply To: Cannot get the template function to loop over my experiment

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Cannot get the template function to loop over my experiment Reply To: Cannot get the template function to loop over my experiment


This question was answered via email, but posting the suggested code here for the sake of future readers:

Template("sentences.csv",variable =>
        newTimer("break", 1000).start().wait()
        newImage("im",variable.PictureFile).size(400, 400).print()
        newTimer("image-item", 600).start().wait()
        newText("ts", variable.TargetSentence).center().print()
        newTimer("item", 2100).start().wait()
        newText("response", variable.ResponseSentence1 + " or " + variable.ResponseSentence2).center().print()
        newKey("keypress", "FJ").log().wait()

// ...

blocks = [randomize('block1'),randomize('block2'),randomize('block3'),randomize('block4')]
fisherYates(blocks) // Ibex-internal function that shuffles an array
Sequence("consent","welcome", "instructions",  ...blocks, SendResults(), "goodbye")
