Reply To: Eyetracking experiment: Uploading and downloading material to server

PennController for IBEX Forums Support Eyetracking experiment: Uploading and downloading material to server Reply To: Eyetracking experiment: Uploading and downloading material to server


Hi Jeremy,

I had a few questions regarding some setup.

1. Calibration
I see in the documentation that regarding the calibration process (related to this code, newEyeTracker("tracker").calibrate(70)), it says that “if fewer than 70% of the estimated looks fall on the button during the 3s fixation time-window” (

Is the current setup that the size of a single dot that the eye gaze has to fall into? If so, can we know how large the dot is? I wasn’t sure if the dot I see is relative to each participant’s screen size or not.

I’m trying to use a visual world paradigm, where there are four pictures on each quadrant. I’m curious if calibration process is done only on the size of the dot. Or can the calibration be done as large as the image that I’m using (“20vh”, “20vh”), and the coordinates that the four images are located?

Also, when it says, “if fewer than 70% of the estimated looks fall on the button during the 3s fixation time-window,” does this mean that the calculation for the calibration starts right after the beginning of the appearance of the dot until it disappears (i.e., 3 seconds)?

Finally, (I may have missed this information from the documentation) what is the default value for calibrate()?

2. Sampling rate
Could I know what the sampling rate for the implemented eyetracker function?

Thank you!


  • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by sangheekim.